Welcome to Gadsden County High School (GCHS), the Home of the Mighty Jaguar Nation...

Together, Everyone Achieves More: Everyone Excelling Everyday (TEAM E3)

27001 Blue Star Memorial Highway Havana, FL 32333   Phone: 850-662-2300 Fax: 850-627-2760

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Social Worker Month 2025_p1
GCHS Hiring Notification(1)

Welcome New Staff Members to GCHS

We would like to welcome our new 2025 staff members to Jaguar Nation.  We have hired four new instructional staff members and Administrator: Mr. Bronze Bruland, Mathematics Coach, Ms. Keisha Ebanks, English teacher, Mr. James Vernon, Assistant Principal, and Mr. Marville Yee, Advanced Mathematics teacher. We also welcome three interns this semester in Band, School Counselor (Ms. Sarah LaJoie), and Social Work (Ms. Alaysha Henderson)


GCHS District Qualifiers

Congratulations to our GCHS Girls Weightlifting Team and our GCHS Competition Cheerleading team on successfully qualifying for district and regional competition.  Go Mighty Jaguar Nation!


Scholarship Updates

Congratulations to Gadsden County High Students, Miss Lezile Toledo-Barrios (11th) and Miss Jikirra Waiters (12th) for earning a scholarship presented by the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Committee (Havana, Florida).

New scholarship opportunity- The Biletnikoff Award honors scholars who have overcome adversity and obstacles while being successful in academics and extracurricular activities. https://biletnikoffaward.com/


Winter Dress Code Reminders

Pajamas, bedroom slippers, house shoes, and blankets are not appropriate for the educational setting. Scholars who do not comply with the dress code will be extended the opportunity to change into appropriate personal attire, retrieve items for the clothing closet or contact a parent/guardian for a change of clothing into the appropriate attire.  

If you need clothing assistance, please see Mrs. Andreka Bunion, our Family Community Liaison or Ms. Mary Floyd,  GCHS Social Worker.


Pictures of our students with text: Leaders, Learning Legacy